A message from TK Muswizu

I am delighted to sit as a trustee on the Childhood Cancer Charity board. The Charity aims to
increase discoveries in the causes and treatments of childhood cancers. Research in childhood
cancer faces many challenges, especially ethical and practical ones. This results in very few
organisations being able to meet the necessary requirements that allow such research to be

My hope is that the work our charity will do results in facilitating the necessary
research to be conducted and supported by organisations, governments and other

When a child is affected by cancer, everyone involved in their care faces challenges that are not
normally associated with care in adult cancers. The work that we do aims to holistically address
these challenges by providing evidence based, scientifically proven information about what
causes such cancers and how best to fight them. This way, we can ensure that the child, their
carers and loved ones are properly equipped to fight the illness.

TK Muswizu

Picture of Childhood Cancer Charity
Childhood Cancer Charity

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